"I am the true vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them will bear much fruit." John 15:5

Sunday, August 2, 2009

10 Things that make me Terribly Happy

10 Things That Make Me Terribly Happy

1. Slipping into our bed after being on vacation. Our bed has the best matress and sheets ever!
2. Slurpees!
3. The sound of my daughters giggle!!!!!
4. Sidewalk cafes
5. Fresh panseys, sunflowers, hydrangeas, roses. . . oh, all right flowers.
6. Thunderstorms and rainy days
7. My sons hair when he wakes up. Insane!
8. Puppy smell
9. The smell of rain on a hot pavement
10. Random cool days hinting that fall is around the corner.


jasmine said...

i love all flowers too. they make me so happy. and sidewalk cafes are pretty amazing!

kadler said...

This is such a great list. Puppies do smell wonderful, don't they?