Crazy! We have had horrible rains in Atlanta for days and days and seriously I was looking out for the animals. Are they starting to pair up? Maybe. Above is a picture of a really nice restaraunt in Atlanta that is over 5 1/2 feet under water! So sad! We were blessed that we are on the hill in our neighborhood and have a tiny creek in our back yard so they only issue we delt with is our gutters need to be cleaned out. My rose bush is sitting on its side in my back yard. Rain, rain. . . Major streets are flooded and basements are flooded and roofs are leaking but that you God (because we really don't need one more thing right now) we had no flooding, no leaking, no accidents. Just 2 little ones who had a "flood day" off of school! Stay safe fellow Atlantans. I am praying for you.
That rain was crazy! I went to Atlanta last week for work and I-20 was shut down, it took forever to get there. I hate it for that restaurant.
Gosh, hope everyone is OK...
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