"Heather, Sorry H struggled with soccer. You are a great Mom and I hope you have a great week. Kristen"
Wow! A mom who is not exactly close to me sent me a flower because she saw me struggling with my daughter at her first soccer practice/game. My daughter has been having a hard time lately going into new situations. Although she is 4, she screams and cries when she goes to ballet(she has taken it happily for 2 years), soccer (she begged me to put her in this year), takes a picture for her team or recital. I am at my wits end trying to convince her that she is going to love it and that I am right here to watch etc.
I turned to Kristen(during a particularly difficult time last Saturday) and said to her" What do I do, do you have any suggestions? She recognized that I was struggling and trying so hard to help my daughter and she took time out of her day to let me know that she cares!! Wow! Isn't that just the coolest!? I called her imediately and thanked her and told her I was floored with her thoughtfulness. Now I am inspired to thinkof a Mom who I can be kind to! Who can you think about today? Leave a small flower and a note for her. She will never forget it!
1 comment:
That's so cool!! I'm so glad I came across your blog because I don't even think to encourage other mums in that way. What a great thing to do :)
p.s I know first hand what a nightmare getting kids to sports activities can be believe me!
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