"I am the true vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them will bear much fruit." John 15:5

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hana was in her first school Christmas show this year!! She is wiped out from all the ballet dancing she had to perform this weekend!

1 comment:

LambertFamilyTime said...

Hi Heather! It's Jeanne Lambert. Just received your Christmas card and just had to get in touch. It is so wonderful of you to keep me up to date and I can't tell you what a big smile it puts on my face to hear about your beautiful family. You and Rami are so blessed! I love the idea of blogs because not only is it a wonderful way to keep family and friends up to date, but also will be a running diary for your children someday to see their childhoods again through the eyes of their mother. I will definitely follow it...count me as a follower! My boy's are all grown up now. Jonathan is at Boston College and Greg is a sophomore in high school. I miss those younger years so much but will live them again vicariously through you and your blog ~smile~. Thanks so much for your lovely card and Merry Christmas! I will visit Formwells website too as it might be a good motivator. OXOX Jeanne